Why do digital books win the next era?
In the last forty years or so, the world has transformed into something which could never have been imagined by any one of us. The progress in computers and communication technology has made this change possible. The most important impact has been that we have much more information than we can handle. We are under tremendous pressure because of this information overload. Television, internet, cell phones, Whats app and mails are snatching our valuable time from us. We get information but not attainable knowledge.
The aim of e-books is to simplify and enhance the overall learning experience. Digital Books make the learning process more interactive and engaging.
Advantages of e-Books
- Shareable Content
Unlike published books, one can share eBooks with multiple readers at the same time. If you don’t know, there is a social feature on e-books, which allows you to share the content with all users around.
2. Save Printing Costs
e-books do not require paper. Authors can submit their work in a PDF format, which can be converted into electronic books. Paper does not come into the picture. So, it saves all your printing related costs, right from purchasing printing paper, designing the layouts and hardcover etc. It even saves the environment by eliminating the need for printing.
Millions of trees are cut down each year to produce paper. Add to that the transportation costs, paper making costs, and all the carbon footprint it leaves behind. All this can be avoided if you switch to e-books. This is also the reason why e-books in education can be the best alternative than its counterpart printed books.
3. You Can Customize Font Size and Style in e-books
Unlike print, e-books allow you to change the font size or even the font style. If you require large-print books, you can adjust any eBook to be readable to you, but with print, you are limited to titles that are available in large print editions. You can also usually customize the font used in e-books if you don’t care for the default style.
4. Better reading
One of the steps reading experts advice for better reading is to underline and take notes. This is very easily done in an e-book. At the end, you can export your notes and you will have a personalized resume of the books you read.
5. Free books
There are thousands of free e-books on the Internet. You can save a lot of money and time using an e-book reader; there is no longer any need to go to the bookstore or the library anymore.
6. Gain of space
eBooks take up less space. You practically don’t need any space to store them. You don’t need a library or a room for them. You can store hundreds and thousands of e-books on your computer or reading device.
7. Avoid Traveling
You do not have to go to the library to get e-books. In fact, a lot of libraries have integrated e-books in their systems so that you can borrow them online. You do not have to return them either. Once the book is due, you will lose your “license” so that somebody else can read the e-book.
8. Cost effective and Time Saving
The ethics behind initiating the concept of e-books was to save time and money. One of the most coherent benefits of using e-books is, they save a lot of time and money. Gone are the days when students would spend more money on buying novels from bookstores. Furthermore, they also had to travel from one town to the other to get the required content. Today, with e-books in their pockets, everything is accessible to them within seconds.
9. Flexible
You can include links to YouTube videos, presentations, and other online resources as part of your e-book.
10. Avoid Time Lag
e-books are delivered almost immediately. You can purchase, download, and start reading them within minutes, without leaving your chair. You don’t have to go to a bookstore to buy them, nor wait for them for days, weeks and sometimes more to arrive in the mail.
In brief books make up around 30 percent of all book sales. If that means 30 percent fewer print books were produced and sold, eBooks have made a significant impact on the environment. eBooks save the energy consumed by book production, save trees from destruction, reduce the use of paper, eliminate packing materials and the energy associated with packaging and delivery, and reduce the energy and pollution needed to recycle or dispose of old books. With eBooks, readers can rest assured that they are helping the environment while boosting their own comfort.so, Digital books win in the next era.
I hope this article will be helpful to you. Follow Lone Thread Books to learn more about reading, writing, and publishing.
| by, Aswy Hanna Paul, Lone Thread Books. |