Mental and Physical Benefits of Audio books
Audio books are immersive, educational, instructional, entertaining and they’re perfect for the time rich and the time-poor.
Audio books can also change the way we listen, read and learn, improving the literacy of young readers and those for whom English is a second language.
There are plenty of benefits to regularly listening to audio books
You can listen while exercising
Out on a walk, run, or on a treadmill, audio books can provide entertainment, information, and help you pass the miles quickly. Nothing feels better than to end a good walk feeling physically and mentally refreshed.
Make doing tasks more pleasurable
Doing dishes, folding laundry, watching your kid’s little league game go into its third hour with no end in sight. Pass the time entertained with a good title. Who knows, you may hope for extra innings!
Faster reading pace = more books read
You can set your player at 1.5 -2x speed and it won’t affect comprehension. I’ve found that while initially, the voice sounded off, pretty soon it became very normal and I got through many more books.
Helps you stay engaged with the book
Exercise and learning go hand in hand. In fact, new research suggests that the real reason humans are primed to exercise is to support brain health!
Audio books Improve Time Management
Being able to work our brain and read books while doing tasks like driving, cleaning, or exercising is a win-win — and allows less satisfying chores to become more enjoyable, reducing stress.
Audio books Help Reduce Negative Thinking
Audio books have the power to boost our moods and disrupt negative thinking patterns.
Listening is the first language skill that we acquire and 85% of what we learn, we learn by listening. For those young learners who have difficulty reading, listening to Audio books can make learning a much easier process. It also makes it inclusive and fun!
There are endless reasons why audio books are an essential part of learning — time to get the kids listening anywhere and everywhere!
I hope this article will be helpful to you. Follow Lone Thread Books to learn more about reading, writing, and publishing.
| By, Aswy Hanna Paul, Lone Thread Books. |